When you're portal jumping, anything is possible.
Portal jumping in Planet of Cubes Survival Multiplayer can be fun, but also terrifying.
You know, it's already pretty rare that I go too far off the base map because you guess it - I have NO PROTECTION (haha). So today in light of the New Year I thought why not? Let's take a portal jump. The photo above shows one of those jumps I took through the portal. Looks great doesn't it? Very nice scenery -
Travel further down the rabbit hole and you've got this: Spiders and Skeletons shooting at you. I was done. Not gonna lie to ya - that caught me off guard. So I did what any Planet of Cubes player would do in a situation that you're not prepped for - craft fast, find a hole, and barricade yourself! In the photo on the left you can see that I only had a wooden hoe and a dream to hold on to. Needless to say I was killed by a spider and and soon I will have my revenge.
I think the biggest issue I'm having right now is the fact I'm not defending myself very well. Longest time out in the Surivor mode? Two days. Usually I forget what time it is and get caught up in the Zombie Apocalypse at night. Have you SEEN HOW MANY COME OUT? CRAZY!
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