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Monday, July 27, 2015

A trip to Fun City

If you have NOT been to Fun City yet, let me tell you, the place is jumping.

There were people everywhere last night chatting it up, so be sure to swing by on your daily Planet of Cubes travels.
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  While I wasn't the most popular guy in town I did manage to engage in some cool convos here and there - lot of people looking for online boyfriends and girlfriends - none of which involves me (lol) not my speed.

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Two people were apparently looking for their mother - It was a crazy night. Not sure if it was their mother in real life (IRL) or just someone playing the role - nonetheless they were two kids lost in the city.
And then there's this - the underpass I came across in the city. This underpass, I thought, was going to lead to a subway system, but I didn't. However, still a great place to hangout at when you're in the city.

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